The Teaching Staff

The teachers at the Pontifical Ateneo Regina Apostolorum possess international experience that has prepared them for the Mission of training Apostles, Christian leaders, clerics and lay people for the service of the Church.

To fulfil this mission, the Ateneo offers its students a varied educational offering through its faculties and schools with curricula developed together with the teaching staff. All the work aims to promote ongoing dialogue with contemporary culture and society based on Christian identity; the development of Christian leadership skills to better contribute to evangelisation and interdisciplinarity.

Our teaching staff includes many professors who are also internationally recognised in their fields of research and publication, including:

Faculty of Theology:

Bishop K. Nykiel, Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary; Sr. Daniela Del Gaudio, of the Pontifical International Marian Academy; Fr. Pedro Barrajón L.C., member of the Pontifical Academy of Theology; Fr. Gonzalo Miranda L.C., member of the Pontifical Academy for Life; D. Benoci, Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology; M. Faggioni, expert moral theologian and consultant to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; I. Andereggen, president of the Sociedad Tomista Argentina; P. Marcelo Bravo L.C., expert in the thought of Danièlou; Salvatore Martinez, former Italian president of Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo; E. Eguiarte, expert in the thought of St Augustine; A. Castellano, theologian and expert in the didactics of theology; S. Advani, expert in Ratzinger’s thought; Armando Santoro, expert in Ignatian spiritual exercises; J. Spence, expert in St. Thérèse of Lisieaux.

Some of these professors are also members or hold positions in other Pontifical Academies.

Faculty of Philosophy:

Fr. Alberto Carrara, L.C., Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) and among the world experts in neuroethics of the International Neuroethics Society; Fr. Dominic Farrell, L.C., international expert in political ethics; Carmelo Pandolfi, expert in medieval thought, Member of SITA (International Society of St. Thomas Aquinas); Fr. Fernando Pascual, L.C., International expert in ancient philosophy and bioethics; Fr. Rafael Pascual, L.C., International expert in philosophy of science, the relationship between faith and science, Member of SITA (International Society of St. Thomas Aquinas); Fr . Jesús Villagrasa, L.C., International expert in metaphysics; Fr. Alex Yeung, L. C ., International expert in philosophy of religion; Fr .Eamonn O’Higgins, L.C., international expert on political philosophy.

Faculty of Bioethics:

Fr. Joseph Tham, involved in inter-religious dialogue and human reproduction ethics; Alberto García Gómez, international expert in bio-law and human rights; Fr. Francisco Ballesta, expert in clinical ethics; Massimo Losito, expert in medium-environmental bioethics; in addition Melissa Maioni, Fr. Michael Baggott L.C. and Lílian Santos make up the faculty’s teaching staff.

Among the Emeritus:

Alain Contat, international expert in metaphysics and member of SITA (International Society of St. Thomas Aquinas); Fr. José Antonio Izquierdo, L.C., international expert in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas; Fr. Gonzalo Miranda, L.C., expert in bioethics and member of PAV; P. Michael Ryan, L.C., international expert on social ethics.

Invited professors include:

Prof. Ramón Lucas, L.C., Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics at the Pontifical Gregorian University, international expert in anthropology and bioethics; Fr. Ignacio Andereggen, president of the Sociedad Tomista Argentina; philosophers from the European University of Rome: Guido Traversa and Susy Zanardo; Marta Rodríguez, international expert in gender philosophy; Fabio Persano, lecturer in law and bioethics; Laura Palazzani, international expert in bioethics and biojuridics.


Aarón Robles Amador

Professore Assistente di Filosofia

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Ada Grossi

Professore Invitato di Istituto Scienza e Fede

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Adrián Canal Vallejo

Professore Assistente di Filosofia

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Adrian Lawrence

Professore Assistente di Filosofia

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Alain Contat

Professore Invitato di Filosofia

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Alberto Carrara

Professore Aggregato di Filosofia

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Alberto García Gómez

Professore Straordinario di Bioetica

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Alberto Mestre

Professore Straordinario di Teologia

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Alejandro Páez Garza

Professore Assistente di Filosofia

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Alex Yeung

Professore Straordinario di Filosofia

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Amador Pedro Barrajón Muñoz

Professore Ordinario di Teologia

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Andrew Dalton

Professore Incaricato di Teologia

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