The SOOITE MEETUP Event in cooperation with ZOHO was a moment of netoworking, presentation of success stories and the novelties of the ZOHO system.
As an experience and best ‘case study’, APRA was invited to participate, and with the participation of P. Aaron Robles, L.C, Secretary General, and Rodrigo Tellez, Head of APRA’s General Secretariat, they talked about the ‘implementation of the ZOHO platform right in the University.
Rodrigo Tellez, also responsible for this Project and speaker at the Event, illustrated the progress achieved and future plans for development, stating that “This Project is in line with APRA’s strategic objectives towards digital transformation and demonstrates the continuous commitment and path we have intensified over the last two years. In fact, we have been working on the creation of a unified system for the management of different processes, ranging from academic to administrative, from secretariat to promotion and marketing, using the Zoho platform as the foundation for this development. An innovation tool that goes towards improving the service for students, lecturers and employees and that responds to Apra’s commitment to project itself into the future”.