The Regina Apostolorum Athenaeum will host the Conference ‘ANOTHER RUSSIA – for the enhancement of the authentic Russian literary, philosophical and theological wealth’. The event includes two days of in-depth study, debate and meeting structured as follows:

Wednesday 6 November

Moderator: Prof. Carmelo Pandolfi

  • 3.00 p.m.: Opening of the session and Greetings. Present will be: Fr. José Enrique Oyarzun LC, Rector Magnifico Apra; Fr. Alberto Carrara LC, Dean Faculty of Philosophy Apra; H.E. Ambassador David Fernandez Puyana, Permanent Observer of the United Nations University for Peace at the United Nations Office at Geneva;
  • 3.45 p.m.: “Innocent Suffering in Dostoevsky: Cry and Judgement”, Prof. Vincenzo Rizzo, Prologos Researcher;
  • 4.15 p.m.: “The Moscow Theological Academy on the Eve of 1905”, Prof. Don Paolo Polesana, E.T.S. Christian Russia Foundation;
  • 16.45 p.m.: “Berdjaev: the person and Europe. Una eredità mai esaurita”, Prof. Adriano Dell’Asta, Professor of Russian Language and Literature University S.Cuore Brescia;
  • 5.15 p.m.: Debate;

Thursday 7 November

Moderator: Prof. Carmelo Pandolfi

  • 9.45 a.m.: “The roots of the Russian soul beyond the ideology of Russkj Mir. Topicality of P.A. Florensky’s thought”, Prof. Natalino Valentini, S. Bernardino Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Venice;
  • 10.15 a.m.: “Frank and freedom”, Prof. Sr. Teresa Obolevich, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow;
  • 10.45 a.m.: “The Philosophy of Trinitarian Love in Lev Karsavin”, Prof. Lubomir Jozef Zak, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology Palacky University Olomouc;
  • 11.45 a.m.: Debate;
  • Break;
  • 2.30 p.m. Resumption of work;
  • Break;

Moderator: Prof. Guido Traversa

  • 2.35 p.m.: “Pneumatological foundation and ethics of theandricity in P. Evdokimov”, Prof. Carmelo Pandolfi, Ordinary Philosophy Apra;
  • 3.05 p.m.: “God and suffering in the spirituality of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom of Surozh”, Prof. Fr. Giovanni Guaita;
  • 4:00 p.m.: Debate;
  • 4.45 p.m.: Conclusions

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