
Study Day “Sulle spalle dei Giganti” at the Inauguration of the New Permanent Exhibition of the Shroud

On the occasion of the 18th Anniversary of the Permanent Exhibition ‘Who is the Man of the Shroud?’ (11 December 2006) and the 9th Anniversary of the death of Fr. Héctor Guerra, L.C. (11 December 2015), the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum (APRA), the Science and Faith Institute and Othonia present a renewed version of the Shroud Exhibition and organise a dedicated Study Day.

The Event, open to all, is on Wednesday 11 December 2024 from 15:30 to 18:00 at the Athenaeum.

Speakers at the Study Day “Sulle spalle dei Giganti” will be:

For institutional greetings:

  • Prof. P. Pedro Barrajón L.C. – Full Professor of APRA Theology and Rector European University of Rome (EBU)
  • Prof. Fr. Alex Yeung L.C. – Director of the Science and Faith Institute APRA

In memory of Fr. Héctor Guerra, L.C.:

  • P. Rafael Pascual, L.C. – Professor of Philosophy and Coordinator of Othonia

In memory of Bishop Giuseppe Ghiberti:

  • Prof. Bruno Barberis – University of Turin

In memory of Father Gianfranco Berbenni, ofm Capuchin:

  • Prof. Antonio Cassanelli – Diocesan Centre of Sindonology Giulio Ricci, Rome

In memory of Barrie Schwortz:

  • Prof. Paolo Di Lazzaro – former ENEA researcher, Frascati

For memories and testimonies as Alumni of the Diploma in Sindonic Studies:

  • Prof. Fr. Andrew Dalton L.C. – Professor of Theology
  • Prof. Fr. Joseph Spence FFm. – Prof. In Charge of Theology

The day will end with the awarding of certificates to the students who have completed the Diploma and the possibility of a guided tour of the Exhibition.

We look forward to seeing you!

In Venue: space in front of the Exhibition, floor -1 in the Athenaeum

Online: live streaming on various channels, with automatic translation into English.

Zoom, Facebook and Youtube links here

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