Now Open: registrations for the 2024-2025 Academic Year!
It’s time to embark on your academic journey towards excellence! Starting today, May 24th, registrations for degree courses for the academic year 2024-2025 are officially open.
The faculties of Theology, Philosophy, Bioethics, and the Institute of Religious Sciences form the vibrant core of APRA’s academic universe. Here, you will find a wide range of courses designed to meet the needs of our students eager to deepen their academic and spiritual preparation, as well as those who wish to explore the challenges of modern society in the light of Christian values.
Theology: Deepen your understanding of the sacred scriptures and theological traditions that shape the contemporary world.
Philosophy: Explore the depths of philosophical thought and learn to discern the ethical and moral truths that guide our existence.
Bioethics: Address ethical issues related to human life and medical technology in a constantly evolving world.
Institute of Religious Sciences: Deepen your understanding of faith and learn to integrate spirituality into your daily life.
Download the 2024-2025 Academic Program (in Italian)
Registrations and Useful Information:
Registrations are open from May 24th. Take advantage of this opportunity: those who register by September 15th will benefit from a reduced fee.
Classes will begin on September 30th. To learn about all the procedures and documents required for admission, please visit the ‘Registration‘ section on our website.