Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Sciences

Academic Year 2024-2025


Residential, Full time


180 ECTS



Class beginning dates


The main objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Sciences is to provide a complete, organic, and unified exposition of Catholic doctrine through the teaching of the fundamental philosophical, biblical, theological, and humanistic disciplines. The Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Sciences provides a total of 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) over the three-year course.

This study program provides the prerequisites for the Master’s Degree in Religious Sciences.

Target Audience

Lay and religious people interested in deepening their knowledge of Christian doctrine in order to insert themselves into the cultural and functional dynamics of contemporary society with the aim of collaborating with sacred ministers in their evangelizing mission.


The fundamental objectives are:

  • to prepare lay and religious people to undertake specific responsibilities in ecclesial life and to be able to give a reason for their faith in their own social environments;
  • to prepare Christian professionals inserted in the cultural and operative dynamics of contemporary society, capable of collaborating with the sacred ministers in their mission;
  • to prepare permanent deacons, catechists, and other pastoral animators.


The Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Sciences curriculum comprises a total of 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), distributed over three academic years. The Bachelor’s Degree provides the prerequisites for the Master’s Degree in Religious Sciences and other specialization courses.

Acquired skills

The curriculum provides an in-depth study of philosophical, theological, juridical, and psychological aspects in order to lay the foundations for an organic knowledge of Catholic doctrine.

Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, students must have completed high school and obtained the necessary diploma for admission to a recognized university in their country of origin.

Classes are taught in Italian. Foreign students must submit a valid certificate of proficiency in the Italian language at enrollment (see General Regulations for Enrollment and Inscription, art. 9, § 10). Those who do not have such a certificate must take a preliminary Italian language exam (for the date, see the general calendar).

Course Format

DIDACTIC INNOVATION: The curriculum, renewed and approved by the Dicastery for Culture and Education, integrates technology in the training process to promote a better integral development of the students from an active learning perspective in which they are the protagonists. The utilization of new tools facilitates continuous communication between students and professors, with the possibility of remote attendance (up to a maximum of 30% of the subjects).

Calendar and attendance options:

Classes from October to June

  • Thursday: 2.30 p.m. – 6.40 p.m., online
  • Friday: 2.30 p.m. – 6.40 p.m., in-person
  • Saturday: 8:45 a.m. – 12:55 p.m., in-person

Useful Information


Registrations from 11/11/2024 to 16/01/2025


Registration:200€ | Annual Fee: 600€

Enroll in the Course

Admission Requirements

How to Register

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