Academic Year 2024-2025
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Class beginning dates
As the maximum number of enrolments has been reached, we would like to inform you that it will currently only be possible to enrol as an Auditor Student.
The Science and Faith Institute of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, in collaboration with Othonia and the Giulio Ricci Diocesan Center of Sindonology of Rome is offering the eighth consecutive English edition of the Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies, now in its fifteenth edition in Italian and in its sixth edition in Spanish language.
This online program offers a panoramic view of several interrelated fields: theology, archaeology, history, physics, chemistry, forensic medicine, etc. The program is for priests, seminarians, consecrated men and women, lay apostles, professors, researchers, journalists – in short, anyone who desires a deeper grasp of Shroud studies, using an interdisciplinary approach.
Ecclesiastics and Laymen, Professors, Researchers, Journalists, and all those who want to deepen the vast and rich field of Shroud studies, using an interdisciplinary approach.
Requirements for admission
– Hold a bachelor’s degree or at least a three-year degree
– Alternatively, students may audit the program. To do so, they are only required to complete the courses and conferences, after which they will receive a certificate of attendance.
Title achieved
Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies
To obtain the Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies
Students must fulfill the following criteria:
- complete the online courses and pass examinations;
- follow conferences by guest speakers;
- write a 25 to 30-page paper on a topic approved by the Scientific Committee and directed by one of the professors of the program.
Therefore, 22 ECTS credits are required: 13 from the courses, 3 from the conferences, and 6 from the paper.
1st semester: October 9, 2024 to January 9, 2025
Exams: deadline February 8, 2025
2nd semester: February 12 to May 22, 2025
Exams: deadline June 21, 2025
Academic Program
First semester
Introduction to the Study of the Shroud (3 ECTS)
Prof. Bruno Barberis
The Shroud of Turin is undoubtedly one of the most studied sacred ‘objects’, especially in the last hundred years. Studies and research on the Shroud are characterised by a broad and diversified multidisciplinary approach and even today there are still numerous questions and problems of various kinds that the Shroud poses to scientists and scholars. The course deals with the most interesting and topical issues concerning the Shroud: an analytical reading of the cloth, its image and the traces on it, its relationship with biblical exegesis, a detailed analysis of modern scientific research, a look at the relationship between science and faith in relation to the Shroud, an examination of the pastoral activities connected with the Shroud and its message, an overview of the activities and methods necessary to explain and teach the Shroud.
Bibliography: B. Barberis – M. Boccaletti, Il “caso Sindone” non è chiuso, San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo (Mi) 2010; B. Barberis – L.F. Rodella et alii, Autopsia dell’uomo della Sindone, Elledici, Torino 20202; Aa.Vv., Sindone e fede. Un dialogo possibile, EffatĂ Editrice, Cantalupa (To) 2013; G. Ghiberti, La sepoltura di GesĂą. I gangeli e la Sindone, Edizioni Pietro Marietti, Roma 1982; G. Ghiberti, Davanti alla Sindone, San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo (Mi) 2010.
The course will take place on Thursday afternoons of the first semester, from 15:30 to 17:00
History of the Shroud (3 ECTS)
Dr Flavia Manservigi
The aim of the course is the in-depth study of the History of the Shroud of Turin. During the course the various problems concerning this complex subject from a religious and historical point of view will be analysed. The problem relating to the correct method of studying the Shroud will form part of an independent lesson, to be followed by an overview of the hypotheses relating to the history of the Shroud prior to the 14th century (the period in which the first documented historical information on it appeared), and on the vicissitudes that have characterised the history of the Shroud from the 14th century onwards, with particular attention to the moment in which the Cloth officially appeared in Europe. The last lectures will focus on more specific historical topics, such as the peculiar forms of devotion that have been devoted to the Shroud at certain historical moments, the question of the position of Jesus’ burial cloths according to the Gospel description, the question of the scourge that would have been used, according to scholars, to scourge the Man of the Shroud, and the relationship between the Shroud and the iconography of Christ.
Bibliography: G.M. Zaccone, La Sindone. Storia di un immagine, Paoline, Milan 2010; G.M. Zaccone, La Sindone, una storia nella storia, EffatĂ , Cantalupa 2015; B. Barberis, G.M. Zaccone, Sindone, cento anni di ricerca, Ist. Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Roma 1998; A. Grabar, Le vie dell’iconografia cristiana. AntichitĂ e Medioevo, Jaca Book, Milano 2015; AA.VV., Attraverso la Sindone. Percorsi storici e scientifici, Claudio Ciabochi, Fabriano 2023.
The course will take place on Thursday afternoons of the first semester, from 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Theology and Spirituality of the Shroud (3 ECTS)
Prof. Fr. Joseph Spence, FFm and co-workers
The course develops the major themes of the theology and spirituality of the Shroud: Relationship with the Gospels. Shroud and Church Fathers. Magisterium of the Church, especially John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Shroud and Trinity, Incarnation, Paschal Mystery and Eucharist. Shroud and New Evangelisation. Finally, it analyses the “Way of the Cross” in the light of the Shroud, according to the teachings of Bishop Giulio Ricci and Mother Maria Elisabetta Patrizi.
Bibliography: A. Cañizares – H. Guerra – J.P. Ledesma, Christ our Easter. Il mistero pasquale nella vita cristiana, ART, Roma 2012; Aa.Vv., Sindone. Gospel, history, science. Elledici, Turin 2010, pp. 295; B. Barberis – M. Boccaletti, Il caso Sindone non è chiuso, San Paolo, Milano 2010, pp. 287; G. Ghiberti, La Sepoltura di GesĂą. I gangeli e la Sindone, Marietti, Roma 1982; G. Ghiberti, Dalle cose che patì. Evangelising with the Shroud, EffatĂ Editrice, Turin 2004; M.E. Patrizi, De Sindone: nova et vetera. Compendio sulla storia, la realtĂ archeologica, il messaggio, la venerazione e le ricerche scientifiche sulla Sindone di Torino, Tau Editrice, Todi 2018; M.E. Patrizi, Il Mistero della Sacra Sindone, Quaderni de “Il Messaggio della Santa Casa”, Loreto 2010; G. Ricci, L’Uomo della Sindone, Coletti Editore, Roma 1966; G. Ricci, Via Crucis secondo la Sindone, Edizioni Centro Romano di Sindonologia, Roma 1972; Ch. Schönborn, L’icona di Cristo. Fondamenti teologici, San Paolo, Milan 1988.
The course will take place from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., according to the following schedule: 16 and 30 October; 13 and 27 November; 11 December 2024; 8 January 2025.
Second Semester
Scientific research on the Shroud; STURP, history and results (2 ECTS)
Prof. Barrie Schwortz
The course aims to give students an overview of the STURP group and its members, the birth and history of the group, their deep background, the examination of the shroud in October 1978 and the scientific articles that were produced and published in scientific journals.
Course in English in distance learning mode (video-recorded) with simultaneous translation.
The Shroud and archaeological studies (2 ECTS)
Dr. Ada Grossi
The course proposes some in-depth studies aimed at interpreting the Shroud evidence in relation to historical, archaeological and literary knowledge. The course is divided into three stages: analysis of the main phases of the Passion up to the Crucifixion; deposition and burial of the Man of the Shroud in relation to Judaic prescriptions and customs; linguistic observations on traditional Judaic funerary shrouds in relation to the Shroud of Turin.
The course will take place in intensive mode on 4-5 March 2025.
The Shroud and the Sciences (3 ECTS)
Lecture series coordinated by Prof. Antonio Cassanelli
Possible topics: The Shroud and science, overview; flagellation; hypotheses on the formation of the Shroud image; Science and the Shroud; scientific hypotheses on the formation of the Shroud body image; the crown of thorns; the Shroud from the point of view of forensic medicine; the Shroud revealed by photography; how to present the Shroud and its research; the Veronica Veil and the Holy Face; the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo.
The lectures will be held on Wednesday afternoons, from 3.30 to 6.30 p.m., according to the following schedule: 19 February, 19 March, 30 April, 21 May 2025.
“Ours is not a simple observing, it is a worshipping, it is a prayerful gaze. I would say more: it is a letting oneself be looked at. This Face has its eyes closed, it is the face of a dead person, and yet it mysteriously looks at us, and in silence speaks to us. How is this possible? How is it that faithful people, like yourselves, want to stop before this Icon of a scourged and crucified Man? Because the Man of the Shroud invites us to contemplate Jesus of Nazareth. This image – imprinted in the cloth – speaks to our heart and urges us to climb the Mount of Calvary, to look at the wood of the Cross, to immerse ourselves in the eloquent silence of love”.
Pope Francis, video message on the occasion of the extraordinary exposition of the Shroud of Turin, 30 March 2013
Diploma Coordinator
Rafel Pascual, LC.
Scientific Committee
Bruno Barberis, Antonio Cassanelli, Andrew Dalton, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Ada Grossi, Rafael Pascual, Joseph Spence.
Teachers and Lecturers
Bruno Barberis, Antonio Cassanelli, Andrew Dalton, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Roberto Falcinelli, Ada Grossi, Flavia Manservigi, Alfonso Muñoz-Cobo, Rodolfo Papa, Rafael Pascual, Marco Riani, Jorge Manuel RodrĂguez, Alfonso Sánchez Hermosilla, Ivan Polverari, Barrie Schwortz, Joseph Spence.
Clarifications on the Usability of the Postgraduate Certificate
The Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies, offered by the Science and Faith Institute of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum of Rome, intends to offer to all interested, and in particular to Religion teachers, an opportunity for formation and further comprehension of topics related to the study and knowledge of the Shroud. Although it is the most articulated and complete course, also in terms of duration, existing today, it does not, however, have the possibility of exhausting the complexity and multiformity of the studies that have focused on the Shroud over the centuries.
The mission of the course consists in providing students with a correct basic knowledge of the Shroud, together with the critical tools necessary to be able to continue one’s personal study of the complex subject. To help in this subsequent process, the University has also created the Alumni Association “Apostolate Group of the Shroud”.
The Diploma, in accordance with its nature, can be spent exclusively at the curricular level and, where foreseen, as a certificate of satisfaction of obligations or professional training credits.
The obtainment of the Diploma does not authorize in any way to present oneself and offer services – such as conferences, broadcasts, interviews and any other form of communication and propagation of the Shroud – on behalf of the Athenaeum, the International Center for Studies on the Shroud, the Roman Center of Sindonology or Othonia. Should this happen, the aforementioned Institutions reserve the right to intervene to protect what is expressed in this notice.
Cost (including registration)
• Postgraduate Certificate. Total cost: € 530.00, payable inÂ
two installments: € 265.00 at registration and € 265.00Â
by February 28, 2025.
• Auditors: one-time payment of € 320.00 at registration.
Carlo Fattori
Ph: +39 06 91689918
Mob: +39 349 8168476
Via degli Aldobrandeschi, 190 – 00163 Rome