
Eugenia Alvarez, former student in Religious Sciences

Eugenia Alvarez, former student in Religious Sciences

My name is Eugenia Alvarez, I am Venezuelan, and I have been consecrated to God in Regnum Christi since 1999.

I completed my degree in Religious Sciences in 2014. I pursued my studies through the distance learning program at the Ateneo, combining them with a degree in Education and Development at the Anáhuac University of Mexico.

Studying Religious Sciences awakened in me a love for the intelligence of faith and its transmission in ecclesial service for evangelization. I particularly appreciated the study of fundamental theology and Sacred Scripture. In both, I found motivations for our hope and ways to establish dialogues between theology and contemporary humanity.

The development of my thesis on the offering of life according to Rm 12:1, 2 has been particularly inspiring for my life and apostolate. After completing these studies, I obtained a canonical license in spiritual theology from the “Centre Sèvres,” the Jesuit faculty in Paris, and some titles from Spanish universities: “Specialist in Spiritual Exercises” (U. de Comillas), “Expert in theology of consecrated life” (U. de Salamanca). I am exploring the possibility of pursuing a Ph.D. in theology. Since my degree in Religious Sciences, I have discovered a natural inclination for theology and spirituality, a spontaneous way of connecting them to life and sharing them with simplicity. I have had the opportunity to work apostolically with adolescents, young people, and adults. My approach to evangelization is characterized by fostering faith experiences that facilitate personal encounters with God. For this purpose, knowledge of revelation and Ignatian spirituality has been a source of particular inspiration.

Currently, I serve as the general counselor of the Society of Apostolic Life: “Consecrated of Regnum Christi,” reconciling this with various ways of sharing the richness of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

I live with the desire to contribute to what Pope Francis expressed to the new Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith:

“We need a thought that can convincingly present a God who loves, forgives, saves, liberates, promotes people, and calls them to fraternal service.” (Pope Francis, 1/07/23).


Eugenia Alvarez, former student in Religious Sciences

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