Anno accademico 2024-2025
I Semestre
Inizio lezioni
This course studies the Biblical Theology of each stage of the Passion of the Christ—from the Last Supper, agony, and arrest to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It focuses on two key questions: 1) what did the Savior suffer and 2) why did he suffer it? For example, what is the theological significance behind the blows to the face, the crown of thorns, and the pierced side? Whereas Shroud science deals with the physical sufferings, only Scripture reveals their deepest meaning. Pastorally, when speaking about the Man of the Shroud, it is important to bring these deeper meanings to light.
Altre informazioni utili
Le attività si svolgeranno dal 10/10/2024 al 09/01/2025
Orario delle lezioni
Giovedì: 15:30 – 17:0
Dalton Andrew Dana