PSCR 1009

Teologia Fondamentale

Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose

Academic Year 2023-2024


II semestre

Class beginning dates



The purpose of fundamental theology is to investigate the principles of our faith, which are the basis of every theological science. If the various theological sciences delve into the meaning and implications of Revelation, fundamental theology has to focus its research into the Revelation itself: what is it, how is it given, how do we receive it.

The structure of this course is designed to render the students capable of facilitating the encounter of the post-modern man with the God of Revelation: from the study of the historical event of Revelation towards the actualization of the salvific event in the life of the post-Christian man today. The apologetical side of fundamental theology will be proposed in sucha way that analyzing the cultural tendencies and forms of thought that question de message of the Gospel, the student might derive from them the legitimate existential questions; so as to know which elements must be strengthened in the proclamation of the Gospel to the people of our time.

In the words of Massimo Borghesi: «It is not so much a question of preserving the faith in the face of a hostile world, although this is obviously necessary, but of ensuring that the event of faith is repeated today, precisely in this hostile world.» (Postmodernity and Christianity 1997)

Useful Information


Activities will take place from 15/02/2024to 23/05/2024 (including exams)

Class Schedule

Giovedì: 14:30 – 16:05


Marcelo Bravo Pereira
S.T.D., Ph.L.


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