Academic Year 2024-2025
Residential, Full time
180 ECTS
Class beginning dates
The first institutional cycle in theology offers a comprehensive and organic exposition of Catholic doctrine and introduces students to the scientific methodology of theological research.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Theology spans over three years and must be preceded by a two-year philosophy course. The total credit requirement to obtain the bachelor’s degree stipulated by the Congregation for Catholic Education is 180 ETCS.
Learn more about the 2024-2025 curriculum (in Italian)
Target Audience
This course is aimed at priests, religious, seminarians, and lay people.
Academic Objectives
The academic activities of the Faculty of Theology are focused on deepening the mystery of God and his plan of salvation in Jesus Christ, revealed in Sacred Scripture and faithfully transmitted by the Church so that students acquire a precise comprehension of Catholic doctrine to expound and defend it clearly and engage in dialogue with other Christians and with the people of our time. The Faculty equips students with the tools to serve the Church in various ways and prepares them for teaching. To achieve these objectives, the professors’ work is governed by the following guidelines:
- To present positive and speculative theology according to an organic system reflecting the order and unity of the truths of faith based on Revelation.
- To illuminate material realities with the Word of God, considering contemporary man’s needs.
- To highlight the role of the Magisterium of the Church, which by the will of Christ is the depository of revealed truths for the good of the people of God.
- To provide a clear and complete vision of the main subjects, with particular emphasis on the theological doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas. The objective is to teach theology while favoring the deepening of the Christian experience.
Five years (ten semesters), divided into a two-year introductory philosophy course and a three-year theology course.
A Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy obtained in an ecclesiastical faculty may replace the philosophy course of the first cycle of the five-year theological course. Students who possess a certificate of philosophical-theological studies completed in a Major Seminary or another authorized Higher Institute may be admitted to the First Cycle, considering the studies already completed and, as the case may be, through the completion of special courses and exams.
Acquired Skills
The three-year course provides the knowledge and practice necessary to meet the objectives required to obtain a first-cycle university degree following the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) criteria.
In addition, they are the prerequisite for Ecclesiastical Theological Studies and the Licentiate in Philosophy. The First Cycle lasts three years and offers a total of 180 ECTS.
Additional information about admission
To be eligible for admission to the Faculty of Philosophy, students must have completed high school and obtained the necessary diploma for admission to a recognized university in their native country. Candidates whose mother tongue is not Italian must have sufficient knowledge of said language to pursue university studies.
Learn more about the 2024-2025 curriculum (in Italian)