Economic Affairs Department

The Economic Affairs Department manages activities related to the economic and administrative areas of the University. It coordinates not only the employees of the Economic Affairs area (cash, accounting, purchasing, general services, and maintenance) but also the Information Systems, General Services, and Events Offices.

The key figure leading the Department is the General Treasurer, Salvatore Emanuele Bova, whose main role includes:

  • Assisting the Rector by directing and/or supervising the work of non-academic Departments and Offices.
  • Assessing the financial sustainability of proposals and projects from Vice-Rectors, Deans, and Directors so that the Rector, after consulting the Board of Directors, where applicable, can decide on approval.
  • Submitting to the Grand Chancellor, through the Rector, information related to accounting and finances.
  • Approving, on behalf of the Rector, every purchase, payment, and financial commitment.
  • Overseeing the drafting of the annual budget and periodic reports on the University’s economic performance.
  • Ensuring the proper maintenance and updating of accounting records, fiscal books, and administrative archives.
  • Collaborating with the Administrative Commission to preserve and increase the University’s endowment fund.

Taxes and Fees. Payment Methods and Procedure

Administrative Regulations

Updating of the Administrative Regulations approved by the Rector, after consultation with the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 2.2 of the University’s General Regulations.

These regulations come into effect from October 1st, 2022, replacing the previous regulations on the subject matter.

  • The payment of taxes and fees can be made in a single installment or in multiple installments.

If payment is made in a single installment within the times specified in the academic fee table, you will be entitled to a 10% reduction of the academic fee only; this discount applies exclusively to undergraduate and bachelor’s degree programs.

  • Registration fees are paid annually in a single installment or in two installments at the beginning of each semester, as indicated in the academic fee table.
  • It is possible to enroll at the University as a regular or extraordinary student in both the 1st and 2nd semesters, within the specified deadlines outlined in the academic fee table. If a student enrolls in the 1st semester, they are required to pay the following fees:
  1. registration
  2. 1st installment
  3. 2nd installment

If a student enrolls in the 2nd semester, they are required to pay the following fees:

  1. registration
  2. 2nd installment

The division of the registration fee payment is possible for educational programs with a semester-based academic cycle. However, it is not possible for programs with an annual cycle; in this case, the registration fee must be paid in a single installment.

  • Tuition fees must be paid for the entire cycle, even if studies are terminated earlier than the scheduled end date.
  • In the case of a suspension request, the student must be in good standing with their administrative status at the time of the request.


Study suspension is the temporary interruption of studies and exempts the student from paying academic fees. No contribution is required to suspend studies.

  • A student may withdraw from studies. If the student’s administrative status is regular, withdrawal is free. In the case of irregularities, a financial contribution is required (see academic fee table). In the event of withdrawal, there is no right to a refund of fees already paid, and there is no obligation to pay fees that may be in arrears.
  • No refunds of fees and contributions are provided, except in cases of serious and documentable reasons, subject to authorization by the treasury.
  • Late payment of registration fees and academic installments incurs the application of an additional fee according to the rates established in the academic fee table.
  • Additional fees apply in special situations and are an integral part of these regulations (see academic fee table – special fees section).
  • It is necessary to have regularized one’s administrative status from the previous year before proceeding with enrollment for a new academic year.
  • One must have regularized their administrative status to be admitted to exams of any kind.
  • Requesting an “out-of-session exam” entails payment of a specific fee. The Dean or Director, for valid reasons, may request the Treasurer to exempt students from paying this fee.
  • Those who must complete their course of study within the legal duration can make up for exams without additional financial burden in the last regular exam session before presenting the final exams.
  • A student not in compliance with the payment of taxes and fees cannot carry out any academic career actions, nor take exams to obtain the degree, nor obtain certifications.
  • Administrative blocks will be activated once the payment deadlines for enrollment and fees have expired.

Please refer to the Academic Programs.

Checks on the accuracy of administrative information provided by students in case of self-certification are provided for under current regulations. The University reserves the right to report to the competent civil or ecclesiastical authority any omitted or false declarations.

The cost of certificates and diplomas is indicated in the table of academic fees.

Payments for Faculties and Institutes follow the following procedures:

  • Regular or extraordinary students pay registration and/or annual fees as per the academic fee table.
  • “Out-of-course” students pay a fixed annual contribution equal to 10% of the annual fee (registration + fee).
  • If a student only needs to take the final exam of the course, they can submit a commitment statement to take the final exam without any additional financial burden to the offices within the specified deadlines. The commitment statement can be submitted only once; if the student does not complete the course as planned within the academic year of reference, the following year they will be required to pay the fee as an “out-of-course” student.
  • Auditors and guests pay the fees indicated in the academic fee table.

Please refer to the Third Cycle Regulations and the academic fee table.

The commencement of each activity (diploma, course, event) will be subject to verification of the minimum number of enrollments as outlined in each budget. In the event of non-realization, the fees already paid by enrolled students will be refunded.

Agreements or economic contracts are exclusively established with public or private institutions, and only in exceptional cases with individual students, subject to prior authorization from the Treasurer.

Financial Benefits for Other Titles

It is possible to receive a discount on the fee for Other Titles (not on the fee for other educational programs).

Any discount will apply starting from the installment following the first one. Students must submit the following documentation:

  • Written request
  • Certificate of previous studies with grades
  • ISEE model (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator)

All documentation must be submitted by the enrollment deadline for the relevant program.

The Treasurer, in consultation with the responsible parties of such academic programs, will decide whether to grant the discount.

The criteria for allocation will be academic. In case of equal scores, the economic criterion will be considered.

Academic Fees

Please refer to the section for information on payments.

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Teacher Card

Discover how to use your Teacher Card at our Ateneo.

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Bank Coordinates

IBAN: IT 34 N056 9603 2110 0001 1529 X 87
ABI: 05696
CAB: 03211
N. conto: 000011529X87

Note: In the case of payment via bank transfer, it is mandatory to specify in the payment reference all the student’s details: name, surname, student ID, study program, and reason for payment (enrollment, installment, late fee, etc.). In case of missing and/or incomplete information, we cannot guarantee the effective and correct processing of the transaction. In cases of payment via bank transfer, the beneficiary value date will be considered. To ensure that the amount is correctly credited to the beneficiary within the deadline and to avoid default, we recommend making the bank transfer at least 3 working days before the deadline indicated in the academic calendar.

ATTENTION: The beneficiary value date is considered.

For further information, please contact the Administration:

Tel. (+39) 06.91.689.949


The amounts are available in the Academic Fees Table.

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