Anno accademico 2024-2025
II semestre
Inizio lezioni
The course gives an overview of the historical development and chief philosophical affirmations of contemporary understandings of gender. It also offers a methodology for constructive dialogue with the various notions of gender advanced in different movements. Special attention will be given to controversies surrounding gender dysphoria and stages of gender transition. The course concludes with proposals for a metaphysically-grounded phenomenology of gender identity.
Altre informazioni utili
Le attività si svolgeranno dal 10/04/2025 al 12/04/2025
Orario delle lezioni
Giovedì: 11:15 – 13:0
Venerdì: 10:30 – 11:15,11:15 – 13:0
Sabato: 10:30 – 11:15,11:15 – 13:0
Baggot Michael James