
University students participate in the In Altum international program in Washington

The last summer, Fr. Darius Lawrence LC e Fr. Nils SchĂ€fer LC, both students at the Faculty of Philosofy at the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, attended the international conference In Altum in Washington D.C. thanks to a scholarship granted by the fund ‘Sacres Hearth’ of the Atheneum. Every year, catholic students and young professionals from all the world are invitated to attend the conference for a week in order to share ideas together with experts on the most important current topics and to make networking with the most influencer Institutes. The mission of ‘In Altum’ is to gather students and young professionals to discuss together about the application of the intellectual catholic tradition as well as its social teaching in order to build the civil society and to give a contribution to the public debate with a multidisciplinary approach. The objective is to build up an international leader community to pursue the truth and the wisdom, connecting the teachings of the Catholic Church with the complexity of the society in all its dimension, public and private. Beyond all the panel regarding the freedom of expression, human rights, religions and politics, we also had free time to network with the other participants and to visit the city. “I keep with me fo my further path, the friendship with all the participant”, Fr Nils says. “It was impressive to discover how each participant taks on such a social responsability  in their own countries and how they carry out their faith in their professional career”. In line with the motto of the Duc In Altum program, it has been putted particoular attention on the intellectual depth of the meeting to strengthen the mission of infuse the the values ​​of the gospel into the Western world.   [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]

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