FILO 2136

L’apertura dell’uomo all’Assoluto: storia e sintesi


Academic Year 2023-2024


I semestre

Class beginning dates



A dynamic anthropology, where the human person is structured as open to the Absolute–this is the attraction of transcendent anthropology. In this course we want to investigate the philosophical origins of this way of thinking about the human being. We will delve into different approaches of transcendent anthropology and then make a comparison between them. Thus we will be able to better evaluate the positive results of this way of understanding the human being, including also the risks that may result. These are the authors and their works that we will consider: Johann Gottlieb Fichte (First Introduction to the Doctrine of Science), Maurice Blondel (Action (1893)), Max Scheler (The Position of Man in the Cosmos), Martin Heidegger (Being and Time), Arnold Gehlen (Man), Joseph de Finance (Citizen of Two Worlds) and Emmanuel Levinas (Totality and Infinity), and Catherine Malabou (Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialecti, Destruction, Deconstruction).

Useful Information


Activities will take place from 08/01/2024to 08/01/2024 (including exams)

Class Schedule

Lunedì: 10:30 – 12:15


Alex Yeung
Ph.D., S.T.L.


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