FILP 2043

Profili dell’epistemologia contemporanea


Academic Year 2023-2024


II semestre

Class beginning dates



The discipline we now call epistemology can basically be identified with the critical study of the foundations of scientific knowledge combined with the determination of the logical origin, the intrinsic value of that knowledge and its objective scope. In order to understand the identities of the knowledge of individual theories and their mutual interconnections, it is essential to understand the relevant regulatory conditions and with them the analysis of the principles, hypotheses, results and revolutions of the different sciences. There is no doubt that Epistemology appears to us as the contemporary model of scientificity, replacing, perhaps overlapping with gnoseology (gnosis, knowledge) or a relevant part of it. It is clear that epistemology, as a reflection on science, was born and progressed with the latter’s becoming, assuming a full and mature connotation only after the formalization of the modern concept of science that finally distinguishes common knowledge, philosophical knowledge and scientific knowledge. We can ultimately consider epistemology as that speculative activity that tends to discover and indicate the criteria for distinguishing scientific from non-scientific propositions by aiming at the conscious and systematic explication of the method and conditions of validity of scientific assertions. The course in profiles of contemporary epistemology aims to provide the student with a systematic study of some of the main exponents of epistemological reflection from Gadamer to Foucault, in order to give him or her a broader critical awareness of the cognitive issues that are so topical today, even in public debate.

Useful Information


Activities will take place from 13/02/2024to 21/05/2024 (including exams)

Class Schedule

Lunedì: 9:30 – 12:15
Martedì: 9:30 – 12:15


Alberto Carrara
M.D., Ph.D.


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