Professore Ordinario di Bioetica
Email: joseph.tham@upra.org
Area di interesse
My area of research, publication and teaching in the field of bioethics:
• My doctoral dissertation was on the topic of “Secularization of Bioethics” which relates to the historical development of secularism and its impact on the place of theology and religious input in the field of bioethics.
• My interest continues to explore the question of secularism, moral relativism, pluralism and different models of bioethics, as well as the response from the Catholic moral tradition based on natural law and personalism. I have begun exploring the missing theological link in these issues, where I see an impoverishment of secular bioethics to deal with the deeper questions of life: suffering and death, healing and illness, and the right use of technology. Theological perspectives of creation, idolatry, dominion, suffering, aging, sin, and salvation may provide the needed bioethical reflection on the human condition (anthropology), its ultimate end (eschatology), the ability to hope and love (spirituality, virtues).
• These interests have led me to explore the issues of multiculturalism and other religious input in bioethics in an ever more globalized world. My Chinese roots and my Christian commitment allowed me to delve into this fascinating world of ideas and cultures.
• I am also interested on the question of technology and culture from the angles of philosophy and theology. The rise of technological power paradoxically raises false hopes and Promethean hubris to a nihilistic mindset. This is most evident in the area of reproductive technologies, which is also the main subject I teach in the university.
• My teaching activities are carried out in different languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, and Italian) in courses and talks in the areas of interest mentioned above which I impart in Europe, America and Asia.
• My doctoral dissertation was on the topic of “Secularization of Bioethics” which relates to the historical development of secularism and its impact on the place of theology and religious input in the field of bioethics.
• My interest continues to explore the question of secularism, moral relativism, pluralism and different models of bioethics, as well as the response from the Catholic moral tradition based on natural law and personalism. I have begun exploring the missing theological link in these issues, where I see an impoverishment of secular bioethics to deal with the deeper questions of life: suffering and death, healing and illness, and the right use of technology. Theological perspectives of creation, idolatry, dominion, suffering, aging, sin, and salvation may provide the needed bioethical reflection on the human condition (anthropology), its ultimate end (eschatology), the ability to hope and love (spirituality, virtues).
• These interests have led me to explore the issues of multiculturalism and other religious input in bioethics in an ever more globalized world. My Chinese roots and my Christian commitment allowed me to delve into this fascinating world of ideas and cultures.
• I am also interested on the question of technology and culture from the angles of philosophy and theology. The rise of technological power paradoxically raises false hopes and Promethean hubris to a nihilistic mindset. This is most evident in the area of reproductive technologies, which is also the main subject I teach in the university.
• My teaching activities are carried out in different languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, and Italian) in courses and talks in the areas of interest mentioned above which I impart in Europe, America and Asia.